
I think we can all agree that Puck will get his due in gen pop. Pretty boy be pretty.

I think your comment speaks to just how deeply sad these little people are. Because GoT.

Something I’ve found incredibly hilarious is now I get called a feminist/lesbian/cunt/whore because I’ve chosen to not to fuck anyone anymore. Men take that shit real personal.

He actually did bring up gay marriage, in 2012. The details have escaped me, but the backlash was swift and deafening. He backed down immediately.

He is VERY Ameri-publican. At least as far as the stereotype goes: conservative, Christian, anti-woman, war-mongering, racist, etc. He is truly awful.

This needs to be at the top.

The “nope, these people are hawt” POV. Even as their weight fluctuates up and down, they are sexy all over.

Bloody terrible. For what it’s worth, that is a hideous pic of both actors. See exhibit A.

Best. Death. Evar.

I could jump on that bandwagon.

Yup. That’s about how big we all thought it was, Donald....

Speaking as someone with Graves disease (overactive thyroid condition), both thyroid disease and the meds to regulate it can make you hella crazy on occasion.

I need this on a shirt.

I will be buying it on vinyl.

Ugh. I will watch sexy Tatum in pretty much anything, but I draw the line here.