
I don’t really understand the fear of letting cops use these guys. It seems like it would be great. If cops really are that scared of making traffic stops and things like that, then just let one of these guys climb out of the car and walk up to the driver’s window. Then there is no risk of the robot shooting the

1) You know that science fiction existed BEFORE Edison, right? You ever read Jules Verne? (You clearly haven’t. I recommend you do, his books are really great!)

This is literally the dumbest and laziest criticism of Musk. (It’s the only one most people can think of.)

Mastery of an Art is 99% “I could have done that” and 1% “yes, but YOU didn’t do that did you.”

Granted, this is just a prediction from the input side of things. Output would be more about control. Like prosthetic limbs, or robotics in factories, or the ability to much more quickly tell your car to hit the breaks.

I honestly don’t think it will ever be possible to upload or download very complicated data, like photos or videos, to and from the brain.

Depends on the implementation and how much up-down data is actually possible. I can easily imagine an implementation that allows for rapid control of prosthetic limbs or additional senses. Once plugged in, the human brain is plastic enough to say “Oh, cool I have a magnetometer now and can know which way is north all

I would be really surprised if he was able to do this more than just a few times before someone called the dealership to ask a question or something.

Right, but the person leasing doesn’t get the title. It wouldn’t look weird to the person leasing.

I would be pretty surprised if he pulled this off more than 3 times.

It’s really not a very smart scam.

“Ah, crap. I’m an idiot! Man, I left my drivers license at home. Can I just sign these now and I’ll bring by my license tomorrow? Ah, good. Thanks.”

There were no titles to hand over. They were leases.

Please get that **** blinder off your face while operating heavy equipment.

Most F-150s sold are for fleet vehicles. That likely decreases the probability the driver is drunk if they are on the job.

Well, that’s certainly an idea. Just not a good one.

The best metaphor I’ve heard to explain this is that it’s like a high quality boutique beer brewery trying to sell it’s product to a biker bar next door. The brewery can try to explain biker bar that it’s beer is much better and worth the higher price, but the biker bar replies “sure, I don’t doubt that. But my

A lot of US refineries were constructed to process and refine lower quality crude from the middle east. Generally speaking, the US produces higher quality “sweet” crude. US refineries don’t want to pay “sweet crude” prices, so they continue to purchase cheaper stuff from over seas. So, US “sweet crude” producers

It’s kinda funny to me to see companies announce this. I think to myself, “Well, yeah. They blocked all access to banking in russia. I imagine you cancelled the subscriptions. Your brave stance is... uh... inspiring.”

This is exactly the business model Rolex has used for ages. Even if you are super rich and wanted to pay more for one of their exclusive watches, you are out of luck. You can’t buy one even if you were willing to pay $10,000 over MSRP. To be able to buy one of their really exclusive watches, you have to first buy 15

Cute. You think these weapon systems are intended for “militia minded, gun nut”.