
I would be really surprised if he was able to do this more than just a few times before someone called the dealership to ask a question or something.

Right, but the person leasing doesn’t get the title. It wouldn’t look weird to the person leasing.

I would be pretty surprised if he pulled this off more than 3 times.

It’s really not a very smart scam.

“Ah, crap. I’m an idiot! Man, I left my drivers license at home. Can I just sign these now and I’ll bring by my license tomorrow? Ah, good. Thanks.”

There were no titles to hand over. They were leases.

Most F-150s sold are for fleet vehicles. That likely decreases the probability the driver is drunk if they are on the job.

This honestly sounds like Zimbabwe. I did some work there off and on between 2016-2018. There were road blocks everywhere where cops would pull over literally every single car and write tickets. I once got a $20 ticket for -and I’m not joking- having too many papers in my glove compartment.

I’m sorry. Are rich people upset with each other again?

I don’t see how this lego jacket doesn’t clearly fall into the satire category of fair use.

And also, dude, you didn’t invent the leather jacket. Go away.

Car racing isn’t a Sport. It’s not.
It’s a race, has specific rules and requires lots of skill, but so does the Amazing Race reality television show on CBS.

Not all competitive games are sports. Sports require a some minimum physical element to the competition. Car racing is as much a sport as Chess.