
The modification of a vehicle that causes the death of a person should be prosecuted as a 3rd degree murder.

Trucks today suck. They are all just SUVs with small open beds. Everything is a crew cab, you can’t hardly even buy a regular bed anymore. Can’t even fit a 2x4 in the bed diagonally in most “trucks” today.

*me an android user* Do iPhone users really have to open an app to turn the light on?

Let’s put this into proper perspective: What does this mean? It means nothing for a long time.

Please talk about Threads correctly. Threads is NOT a new platform that has gained 100 million new users. It’s a new feature of instagram that 100 million existing instagram users have clicked on once.

Churches and religious institutions gt the most press, but the reality is that virtually ALL traditional social institutions of declining. In fact, most millenials and Gen Z’ers are not actively involved in any kind of In-real-life social community at all.

So, he’s going to have his own non-fediverse Mastodon instance.

There is additional disclaimer that is needed here:

You cannot pass a polygraph test. It’s fundamentally philosophically impossible to pass a polygraph test.

It’s just stupid grand standing. Texas has a number of these “THOU SHALT NOT BOYCOT [thing]”. I do consulting in Texas and have to sign them all the time.

No one in Texas is boycotting oil companies. They may not make investments in oil companies, and might not do business with oil companies, but that’s not the same

we have influence which can moderate their worst impulses.”

I’m really not sure who is influencing who...

Just cut them of the internet completely. Let them build their own.

And while we are at it, cut them off from western capital markets generally. Let them build their own markets however they like. That’s what they want to do anyway.

The “metaverse” will absolutely fail. It’s promise that that it will be an interoperable hub, like the world wide web, when everyone can participate and grow a new virtual economy.

Looking back, Hayden’s depiction of Anakin was actually a pretty good call back to Luke in the original StarWars.

This also made me better understand that ALL Gen-Xers were annoying spoiled brats as young adults.

I’m really confused. I thought it was generally well known that many kinds of squid (and other cephalopod) had the ability to change their color.

Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which.

Some kids just need positive role models. And if it’s that or sending the kid to jail for a decade because he was a stupid teenager, I would personally choose the former.

I personally appreciate that Google is FINALLY recognizing the value Gmail has as a hub. This is something they should have done a decade ago when they release Google Wave, but company politics prevented Wave from being built into Gmail.

Wave was an open protocol chat system that would have been AWESOME to have today,

A couple of questions there, yes the kid’s parents would probably sign, which would be a no brainer for them.

“Here is the deal. We think your kid clearly has potential to be very talented and we will take him on and train him up ourselves. A job like this at 16 ain’t a bad deal. In exchange you sign this form

Two things, it would probably be cheaper to hire him and put him on some security project then to pursue a lawsuit against the kid, who probably doesn’t have any money anyway.

At least then you can strong arm him into signing any non-disclosures you wish, which would probably have more legal teeth than the actual

They have probably been given jobs.