
We’ve had drone helicopters for a while. I’m not sure I understand why this is a particularly notable advancement.

What is going on with the levels and the scoring? This doesn’t seem to be the same Tetris game I used to play. I remember the pieces falling much much faster than that in the high levels.

The most likely scenario is that the courts rule very narrowly, allowing this guy to do his thing while not making big sweeping claims over the entire nation.

I don’t hate the idea of “pink” being associated with Hydrogen and marketed to women. With the caveat and understanding that hydrogen is NOT a energy source, it is only a storage media, AND that hydrogen vehicles have thus far been less than promising in their development, anything that will help get us off oil and NG

This honestly sounds like Zimbabwe. I did some work there off and on between 2016-2018. There were road blocks everywhere where cops would pull over literally every single car and write tickets. I once got a $20 ticket for -and I’m not joking- having too many papers in my glove compartment.

I’m sorry. Are rich people upset with each other again?

I don’t see how this lego jacket doesn’t clearly fall into the satire category of fair use.

And also, dude, you didn’t invent the leather jacket. Go away.

It’s funny how literally everyone, LITERALLY EVERYONE, thinks the Matrix is about them. Them personally. They are Neo and everyone else needs to have their eyes opened to the “real world”. I’ve seen plenty of Evangelical Christians swear that the movie is really about being Born Again. And they can absolutely make

Roses are red...
Columbus sailed the seas....

To beat 2FA, including using the tools described above, the attacker typically has to have physical control over the device receiving the key at some point or has to have the user of the device install malware to scrape it, which is quite difficult today. Even the most sophisticated Man-in-the-middle attacks don’t

Every gram of this thing has to be perfectly engineered to achieve it’s objectives. There is 0 room for any fluff at all.

Car racing isn’t a Sport. It’s not.
It’s a race, has specific rules and requires lots of skill, but so does the Amazing Race reality television show on CBS.

Not all competitive games are sports. Sports require a some minimum physical element to the competition. Car racing is as much a sport as Chess.

This could possibly explain why Western countries have seen regular reoccurring waves of covid.

The busy street problem is a technical problem. I imagine that’s would actually be pretty easy to solve, compared to natural human language understanding. And, you maybe right that we will continue to need basic “silent” input, but this is a place where neural interface could would very well. I think we are a lot

I honestly think the next level of human input is going to be voice and natural interactions. Amazon, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are devoting huge resources into the developing this technology. And, as was mentioned in the article, I can absolutely imagine a future “Her” type of natural voice driven interface.

No, you way over estimate the intelligence of most people. Go to Youtube and rewatch the original iPhone commercials. They seriously and literally where all “This is how you turn it on... This is how you go to your email.”

No dancing silhouettes, no complicated stories, just “This is how you use this new phone”.

I don’t think that’s fair. Laptops haven’t really changed much in the way we use them in 25 years. They have advanced technologically in every category, but if you took a laptop today and gave it to a person 25 years ago, that person would immediately be able to log in and, with in a few minutes, know how to use it.


It’s hard for me to imagine that the black glass slate what we carry is the zenith of technology. I think the opposite of you, that 10 years from now, communication won’t look anything like it does today.

One thing that I don’t think is going to happen on a wide scale is augmented reality/virtual reality.

More and more “serious” (read: solitary) gamers will adopt it, and there will be more and more specific use cases and gimmicks for it. But I don’t see it working it’s way into most people’s daily lives. The reason is

This is for babyboomers. They are old dumb people now. Old dumb people will do anything they are told to do.

It’s always been that way and will be for you too one day.