
Strongly touched one? Sure.
But my point was more that I hope they don’t walk it back or just continue to dance around it to tease the nerds. I hope it’s the dominant theme of Dominion, which, if done well, could really open up the monster-story telling potential of the JP universe.

I hope Jurrassic World: Dominion leans into the fact that the “dinosaurs” were never really dinosaurs at all, and were always just genetic mutants spliced together in a laboratory to make them look like what people thought dinosaurs should look like. This was very weakly touched on in the two previous Jurassic World

I quit facebook 2 years ago. I really thought I would miss it’s features and that scared me. I thought I would miss the photos I had uploaded and particularly the various groups I was involved in.

But, honestly, I don’t miss any of it. Like at all.

VR is the ultimate “Solution in search of a problem”. There are very very few instances where VR is actually a desirable.

I just can’t imagine why a guy like Bill Gates, the guy who ran a company that broke more laws around the world than any mafia boss could dream of, might have had a past that was less than completely wholesome.