Soda Costanza

It's bizarre that they would give one of the most popular franchises of the last generation to a largely untested team.

That's good advice!

They should have brought Charlie with to steal that truck. That kid's a prodigy in the making. I wish Bram was more like him. Does he still not get that that chick only had sex with him in order to get him to keep following their orders? I know that teenagers are dumb and horny, but come on. Just kill him off

Showing how scared he was and how he teared up as he was hiding in the sarcophagus was really effective in communicating how in over his head he was. He really needs to get his sword and mojo back.

As the reviewer said, we knew he wasn't going to die or anything, but at the same time I had this sense of dread as I wasn't sure how he could possibly make it out of this. Just really well done. Shows that get revived like this usually seem to be lackluster on their return just cashing in on nostalgia, but this is

I loved how as he was making a break for the temple it slowed down as he scanned his left and right for his pursuers. That along with being able to see each rain drop fall made for a gorgeous scene.

Every time these commercials come on my dad starts railing against them and how awful they are. I agree and everything, but I'm always surprised at the intensity of his dislike.

That was really brave of him.

I actually cringed when I read this.

"Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?"

It's the same way at Sam's Club. I always want to put a cow catcher on the front of my cart and go to town.

I was hoping that he would be on Tingle Island, but no luck. The island itself was appropriately weird, though.

I didn't see that, thanks for the tip.

Great to see the show come back at last. Definitely one show from my childhood that has aged very well. I hope the Scotsman shows up at some point. He'd probably be even more amusing as a cranky old man.

I audibly cheered when Sawyer stabbed Burke in the chest. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. This show will never reinvent the wheel, but I do find it consistently entertaining.


Other than maybe Vince Gilligan, I don't think that there's another show-runner on TV right not that I trust more than Hawley.

That memory guy said the Jean Smart believes that David could be they key to the war and, "other things." I get the feeling that he should probably ask some follow-up questions about those other things.

What about pudding skin singles?

I don't think there's another show in my rotation that I more look forward to each week than this.