NO COFFEE?! What kind of hellscape do they live in?
NO COFFEE?! What kind of hellscape do they live in?
It's amazing that even after that meeting he's still incapable of realizing that she's on to them.
Every week this is on I always wonder how it is that it's been so long since there was a great sci-fi show on TV.
It's one of my favorite shows and I recently started re-watching it in preparation for the new season, but I had to stop halfway through season one. It's hard to watch it again knowing how much he'll destroy his life.
I wish that these two would get more work over here. They were the sole reason I stuck it out through season 2.
It's almost impossible to pull off a twist like this at all in this day and age. Good on them.
This show is rapidly closing in on where The Last Kingdom starts, timeline wise.
What happened to get the "bacon moments" discussion closed?
Does she still do stuff on The Daily Show from time to time? I don't watch it too much anymore since Trevor took over.
An AV Club article that passes up an opportunity to bring up Person Of Interest? This week just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
I'm a cynic to the core and I've never had much faith in the human race, but that lack of faith is never something I wanted to see vindicated. Certainly not on this level.
That's a group I'm proud to be a part of.
The kids from the fourth season of The Wire were some of the best child actors I've ever seen on a TV show.