
You don't read very well, do you? This thread is full of people talking about this very problem, as are many other threads online. But "nobody you know" has it, therefore it doesn't exist? Maybe you just have a shitty social life.

I think he's talking about United States Strategic Command:

Seriously? You call "stalling after playing one track" playing music "just fine"? Wow, I wish I had you as a customer.

...apart from the fact that once you get beyond a couple of headline policies (end military adventurism, legalize pot) that endear him to undergraduates everywhere, Ron Paul is crazier than a shithouse rat. Go read his own website, then tell me you still think Ron Paul is worth voting for.

Yes, it's new. But don't you think that actually playing music is, you know, a pretty basic function? It's not like something marginal like recommending similar artists isn't working. Or shuffle isn't as random as it should be. It's a music player. That doesn't. play. music.

In which case, sorry for giving you a hard time. The internet desperately needs an emoticon for satire.

I love the concept, and if it works as advertised will replace my Roku. I hope that the local content support will be NOT require sneakernet to the USB-connected drive. Either support playback from a local network-attached drive or (perhaps easier to implement?) share the USB-attached drive to the local network to

There's nothing like a depression story to bring out the ignorant, the intolerant, and the just plain unsympathetic.

It might cure depression, but it clearly doesn't cure ignorance.

Fascinating. I didn't know Maher had expertise in medical science with a specialization in pharmacology, informed by extensive research into the necessity and efficacy of a wide range of pharmaceuticals in placebo-controlled trials.

Depression is the cancer of the soul. And telling somebody with depression that they just have "emotional problems" is like telling somebody with lung cancer that they just have "breathing problems".

p.s. I'd be OK with drilling for oil in the US or offshore... if it were done with proper supervision so that we don't get another disaster like the recent one in the Gulf; and with proper compensation for people whose lives are disrupted by, say, a pipeline from Canada. (We're a very rich country by any historic

100% yes to air superiority, or even — as in Iraq 1 — air supremacy. I'm just not convinced that a next-gen fighter will do the job nearly as well as the entire swarms of UAVs we could have for the same (or lower) cost. If you think about the kind of weapons systems the F22 carries, it's hard to find a target in

And yes, the money IS wasted.

What competition? What lives?

It may depend on your state. IIRC California was one of the earliest to do this (I remember paying sales tax on a 2G brick...). Other states may differ.

Pulling your own espresso is so last year. I've been making my own civet beans with the help of my pet weasel.

As God is my witness, I thought T-80s could fly.

Yeah, that was exactly my reaction. "Almost perfect" is OK when the result of "not perfect" is a little less catastrophic...

I like to think that Han knew he was BSing, but was testing Luke and Ben to see just how ignorant they were and how much he could rip them off for.