
We aren’t exactly Steven K Smith level, but these were my girlfriend and my costumes at BlizzCon 2015. Her 2nd ever costume and only my first.

Im only speculating, and I know how much people like to hate on CGI. But those boots arent even close to the awesomeness of the movie.

Cause it looks worse than the actual CGI in any Blizzard Cinematic.

Why were these recaps so infrequent?

But we are talking about a game from 2004. FF14 is amazing looking, it came out recently. I am fairly certain if Blizz were to take WoW and remake it with current technology it would look equally incredible. I wish people would stop bitching about a game that is 12 years old. Would you rather they say “Fuck all you

You’re dealing with an extremely old but modified graphics engine. Despite that, they still manage to make outstanding looking areas because of good art direction and design.

While WoW may falter in some areas, the art direction of their world zones is certainly nothing to scoff at. Considering what they have to work with at this point. It is damn good looking.

I know this article will get a lot of “I’m tired of the cartoony look, it’s soooo bad” crap but I still love it. There are plenty of games using realistic graphics. It’s good to see video games that still look like they are video games. Especially when the art and aesthetics are so damn nice. I will never understand