Starred for both the comment and your name.
Starred for both the comment and your name.
I just want to be very clear.
I mean, technically it’s not his fault he looks like a shark mated with a blobfish and had a deeply resented offspring, but that face is NOT HUMAN.
These White Hate Grifters are predictable. When they are feeling the heat after having a story surface showing just how shitty they are, they Run to the friendly and very specific outlets of Fox News or Breitbart to talk to their Base. At this point, I wonder if the employees at Fox News realize they work for a State…
And they call us snowflakes *sigh*. I can’t take the hypocrisy anymore
Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?
It’s so cute when Donald’s spawn (which is basically anyone in the GOP leadership at this point) call Democrats immoral or suggest tat the Democratic party is imploding, and especially when they run to Sean Hannity to feel better. I think most Americans are done taking seriously Republican complaints of how mean the…
Fuck, I only have friends with family in the foreign service, and I’d probably do a better job. Promote the career diplomats below you and follow their recommendations, that’s where it’s at.
Fraken dedicates a whole chapter in his new book on how Cruz is hated by everyone.
Some in Cap 2 but he’s get tortured and it’s not sexy.
I don’t think it’s possible to overestimate how much that Ted Cruz’s coworkers hate him. And plenty of loathsome people have served in the Senate and been well-liked (Sessions, for one). Apparently, you can be a racist and still be popular; you can be a sexist and still be popular; you can be a radical ideologue and…
Feel free to post this gif with every comment. 🔆
Hey there you are! Can’t believe Goddess beat you to it!
I’m hoping for AG Jeff Goldblum.
Y’all fiends are making me piss my pants laughing. Who on earth is going to volunteer to inspect rumpolio’s body for the witches mark? Not me, my uproarious friends, not me.
If he floats we get to burn him, right??
No, we press him to death with large stones, like civialized Christians.
If he floats, he is a witch! So we drown him.
We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.