And charged...70K?
Doug what is it exactly that you do? Can you genuinely support yourself on recycled articles about your experiences buying and keeping a variety of cars for 6 months?
So what VWs aren’t affected by stop sales?
So you start a driving school and think “Yes, I need a car that won’t break.”
That’s not an Aero, that’s a base NA 2.5. Any Aero you buy for under 10K is going to be beat to death.
A 4 cylinder CVT Accord would walk your car.
Z’s are actually not the best option here. Pitiful understeer converting into snap oversteer, VQ motors get very tired very quickly (most of them end up needing rebuilds around the 150K mark due to low compression), they’re really not that fast (an Accord V6 of the same year would run with it), and they’re absurdly…
7th Gen Accord V6 6MTs are going for about $5k. (…)
Bikes have 2 wheels with minuscule contact patches and no meaningful downforce. A quick road car would decimate a bike in turns and braking, and only lose out in acceleration.
Is it smaller than a midsize sedan on the inside?
I’m curious as to VWs response because there is really no justification whatsoever for this. 100% not okay. It’s an institutional-level premeditated breaking of the law.
About 10 to 40 times more NOx than permitted according to the report.