Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

It still felt like it was a checklist of “things a Han Solo origin story must show”. Rogue One actually felt a bit more restrained. probably because the references to the OT were not part of the main story.

I feel that hardcore Star Wars fans are the only people who watched Solo, while people who actually had no problems with how TLJ affected the canon are mostly younger fans and they were probably not interested in a movie about Han Solo.

Jokes on them, the box office clearly indicate that more people want something that shake up the universe like The Last Jedi over a relentless nostalgia-fest like Solo.

I wonder if there some confused Trump supporters out there. “I voted for Trump because I want idiots like Kanye and Kim to go away, but now he’s promoting them?”

I really hope they don’t try to change it into a Marvel movie midway like SS. David Ayer talked about so much that he had to cut from the movie.

Margot Robbie was in Suicide Squad, a movie watched by more African-Americans and women than the average comic superhero movie other than Black Panther or Wonder Woman. Now she’s in another movie that’s looking to repeat that success, and producing it too.

Big guy in the ‘Hood.

This is not Gizmodo, is the thing.

This is not Gizmodo, is the thing.

Knowing the price of Lego nowadays, it probably would cost $160 instead.

For more information:

The world is starting to worry me.

And GI Joe had a clear Joe bias.

People said Ley did not play the game. This is to clarify things from someone who actually did.

The issue is it’s not the writer’s problem being talked about here.

“Dang w’vern varmins eatin mah chikens and poopin in mah cabbage patch!”

I used China specifically because the current Star Wars movies have done poorly there; Disney and Lucasfilm has no idea how to market them other than “they are Star Wars and you love Star Wars” which of course does not work in a country where people do not care what Star Wars is.

There’s an even bigger echo chamber of people not realising who and what is actually popular in the world. I compare it to people in China having no idea that Star Wars used to be more popular than Marvel.

Your daughter probably knows a dozen other famous Youtubers you never heard before.