Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

It’s not a reboot. It’s supposed to be a standalone movie unconnected to the DCEU, kind of like an Elseworlds comic. 

They list of actresses the casting director suggested reportedly already stained with drool.

Hey, Israel is technically in Asia, and ScarJo is clearly proud of that since she chose to continue promoting Israel-based Sodastream (which built factories on stolen Palestinian land) instead of being a United Nations goodwill ambassador.

I still find “TAPIOCA” hilarious. TAPIOOOOOOOOOCA!

You better believe someone coined #worsethanward

According to one vlogger on Youtube, maybe it was Pewdiepie, Jake is actually the saner of the two brothers. Jake is a showboating public nuisance, but Logan is the one who recorded a dead body and posted it on Youtube.

Apparently they were dating for months, probably since 2017. She barely commented on it but have only confirmed it recently.

What about Chloe Bennet confirming that she is dating Logan Paul? Have that been posted yet?

That was so long ago Abigail Breslin was still tiny.

Don’t know why people confuse them, really. Cera mostly does comedy, while Eisenberg also does more serious movies including awards-bait stuff.

Henry Cavill said he preferred Joss Whedon’s version of Superman to Zack Snyder’s. I knew there was something wrong with him then.

I think that was the whole point of his character in the Prequels.

Both Hailey and Ireland look like their father. The Baldwin gene is strong.

What The Onion article you copied that from?

Oooh, did someone get their snowflake butt banned? What’s your reason? Accidental pedophilia reveal? Wanting Arabs to march into the sea? Asking TFR for advice on guns and bullets you plan to shoot your ex with (maybe in a pumpkin patch)? Are you Granos? You’re Granos aren’t you? Because I need to call the police if

I don’t think any rich kids actually went there. The organizers just like to hype themselves too much.

Most people actually paid $1200, with some as low as $500, to get to the festival. Apparently the organizers have not provided any evidence that anyone bought the most expensive packages.

i enjoy the movie to a point, but it’s too bad that the heavy reshoots make some of those scenes look cheap because they were likely hastily rebuilding sets to make the May 2018 release date.

I’m at the IHOP