Argh: Card-Carrying Commie Snyder Cultist

Her talent is eating them with a straight face.

Seeing her eating larvae made me freeze with terror but also horny at the same time. The Addams Family really did a number on my taste in women.

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Is Hailee Steinfeld’s song getting a video too?

It’s inevitable someone will eventually speak up against Master Roshi.

Somehow I imagine that being more insufferable than if he just tries to become king of social media. Dunning-Kruger egomaniacs have got to be worse in the arts community.

The revelation about him being a rapist came after Bright was released. He pretty much said nothing about the movie during its production except for lamenting that his original script (that he received 3 million dollars for anyway) could have been “his Star Wars”.

Vin Diesel actually put this lesson into practice in XXX3 as well. That movie certainly felt like it was copying F&F when it comes to casting and did pretty good worldwide

I am reminded of how RLM hated George Lucas so bad they claim racism against black people does not exist any more in Hollywood just so they can find a bad thing to say about Red Tails.

They know what their subscribers watch. If most of the new viewers watch only Bright, that’s how they can tell. After that, they hope the recommendation algorithm will keep them paying the subscription.

Max did not like it anyway, since most of his script was rewritten by Ayer. It’s why he is oddly silent about this movie unlike any of the other he wrote.

I feel like the racial politics aspect is one reason it’s popular while so many other urban fantasies fail on TV or movies. I bet the demo who watched Bright has significantly more blacks and latinos than a typical fantasy or cop movie, just like Suicide Squad’s viewership when compared to other superhero or comic

Like I always say, things like Bright is going to receive some Very White Comments just like Get Out.

Netflix has powers traditional movie studios and distributors envy. They not only know how many people watch a movie/show and how many liked it, they know how many watched the whole thing or just parts of it. They know how many times you watched something. They know whether you binge watch or just select episodes of a

I thought All The Money received good reviews despite the emergency Spacey replacement, as a testament to why you listen to Ridley Scott when he wants to cast Christopher Plummer instead of a more famous actor (or if he wants two Michael Fassbenders to have a blowing and fingering scene).

It’s just his body preparing him for the onsalught of poop that naturally comes with having a baby.

Somehow I think it would look like scenes of a character cut from an Anchorman movie.

Christopher Nolan likes Michael Bay movies, probably for their practical effects and how they present action setpieces, and have been trying to make his own version of those movies (The Dark Knight Rises - The Rock, Interstellar - Armageddon, Dunkirk - Pearl Harbor).

Once again the answer to penis questions is HR Giger.

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On the other hand, the common opinion about Malaysia McDonald’s fried chicken is that it’s better than KFC’s. This is significant in Malaysia where KFC have dominated fast food for decades.