Surprised that this is not a movie sooner.
Surprised that this is not a movie sooner.
The editing of the movie was bad. The direction was fine, since Ayer made the movie after Fury which surprisingly did not have any Oscar nomination.
Despite people tired of Bumblebee oversaturation, which has been going on since the 1980s, Movie ‘Bee is a favorite of many. His new Masterpiece toy, based on the 2007 design, is also great.
Robbie won a Critic’s Choice award (aka More Legit Oscars) for Suicide Squad.
This is by Adam McKay, the guy behind the housing bubble collapse half-retelling half-documentary The Big Short. The movie will also star Sam Rockwell as W. Bush and Tyler ‘Madea’ Perry as Collin Powell.
You have to look at the settings menu, usually under “picture”.
Whedon modified the Justice League script and directed the reshoots after Zack Snyder had to leave due to family tragedy.
Please be aware that Laserface1242 is a troll who was banned from io9/Gizmodo.
Yeah, I forgot that this Jezebel and not io9, AVclub, or any other place on the internet where people normally discuss movies.
As far as I can remember: Comic book and superhero movie fans, cinephiles, professional movie critics, and animated Batman Kevin Conroy.
Is there a Dunning-Kruger effect but instead of intelligence and skill it’s about general knowledge of things? Like, someone who is utterly shocked that most people don’t believe the moon is made out of cheese.
He better not, or one GOTG character is getting killed off next movie.
A lot of people love him as Batman, even naming him the best live-action one to date.
As a movie fun, that’s twice in recent times.
No wonder Affleck works so well with Joss Whedon.
So was Diablo, and Borderlands is more or less FPS Diablo.
So was Diablo, and Borderlands is more or less FPS Diablo.
Grande is overcompensating in her attempt to not look like a baby, proving that she is a baby?
I don’t think he wants his own spinoff if it means messing with the original plans for the movie series his career depends on.
It’s cringey as all heck to suggest that a franchise constantly praised for its racial diversity should end 3 movies early just because the main white guy dies.