I think that is young Lara from the parts of The Last Revelation (TR4) and Chronicles (TR5).
I think that is young Lara from the parts of The Last Revelation (TR4) and Chronicles (TR5).
Lynch and Arronofsky are similar in certain ways, yes.
Once again, Ellen shocked someone by coming out of the closet.
That is only marginally better than the coloring in most MCU movies.
Sounds like he’s talking to a chimp.
I had a friend told me that Devin Faraci has all the signs of a guy who wants to be a serious entertainment journalist but has to make do reporting about what color Doctor Strange’s cape will be.
Waiting for the inevitable fan art post. All them fetish arts...
Not IDW, but Marvel Comics. I think the IDW version is based on it though.
Yes, the Beast Wars was just Dinobot but the other dinosaur robots did not call themselves Dinobots so it’s fine. He’s getting a new Masterpiece toy probably next year.
Yes, that’s what the prototype picture is about. Half of the team will be available this year.
The ones in the comics are on the Ark when it left Cybertron. They were woken up early to deal with Shockwave who came to Earth looking for the Ark several million years before the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons cam along. In other stories, they were also warriors that ended up on Earth million of years before…
They are alt-right. However, 8chan is worse. They’re people who left 4chan because 4chan is alt-right but not anti-semitic enough for them.
Better or worse?
Would be a pretty surprising twist, given how anti-Objectivist the ending of BvS was and Snyder saying that he did not like Ayn Rand’s philosophy much after reading The Fountainhead (although he did like the book as a story about an artist and would like to direct an adaptation).
And it would the most beautiful slow-mo punch ever. And the guy getting punched represents fascism.
Laserface lives in his own world.
Except not used as a poor excuse for bad writing.
Zayn celebrated Eid-al-Adha with not just Gigi, but also Yolanda and his mother Trisha.