
I would assume so, but as always, make sure you are using the highest quality decaf beans. On another note, decaf does NOT mean caffeine free.

It took my daughter about 2 seconds to do the math to fib on her birth date to create a [] account, I don't see how this will really change anything.

I am on the verge of never watching a portrait video ever again as my own personal (though totally ineffective) protest of ridiculousness.

Put yourself an egg on that ramen and you got fine dining!

I don't often eat pizza, but when I do, Sriracha!

In 2008 I was working for EDS (HP now, I got out just before it was bought.) I interviewed with FedEx, JC Penny, and several other large companies. Even with head hunters scouting around for me, I got very few call backs. After several months of using the job web sites, I found a listing for a local software

Ok, predictive text is one thing, but predictive articles about exactly what i turned on my laptop for? You people are in my head....

"Don't Talk to Your Boyfriend on the Subway" and "If You Walk into Me While Texting Again I'm Going to Have a Breakdown"

This is way nicer than my "everything-thrown-in" 5-gallon bucket that I keep in the back of my car. The only thing I would have added, has already been added:

There is an actual product my wife uses called pssssst!

The last one grosses me out the most.

And at Starbucks

Well, I heard the same thing at my house this morning, 5 am. I thought it was a plane. But it was really loud and sounded like it circled around at one point.

I think the beauty is intrinsic to the imperfections.

Personal opinion here, but I feel the chest tattoo is like throwing paint on a Picasso.

I just had this conversation with my daughter. She got her first cell phone (android on V-Mobile). She is used to transferring everything to what ever new device she gets. I set her up on the Amazon MP3 cloud (I use it and we both have kindles). This was quite a departure but her phone doesn't have near the space

3.45 inches of excitement...

You got my mouth all ready for some squab.

I hear ya, i own an Incredible 2, but when I was a product manager, we decided to only make an IOS ap for this very reason. Sad, we miss out on a huge customer base, but ultimately it was the support aspect we decided tipped the scales.

Totaly off topic, but the the small picture to the right looks a lot like Triumph the Insult comic dog in a frying pan. Which is what made me click this story. Because I could not imagine a reason to put Triumph into a pan