
Seriously, if you are putting your phone/mp3 player in the bathroom with you, put it in a zip top bag. Moisture kills...

That was my take away as well.

I started perusing the above mentioned ikea hacking site and came across what i nominate as best unintentional illusion web page:

I am afraid to look, but has Vampire Hunter D been "reimagined" yet? I can only guess with all the vampire fervor lately it has been, and poorly.

There is no better bowl of mini wheats than the last super dense mini wheat crumbles bowl full!

Well, Marvel and DC have a long and varied history of long and varied comic book histories

Well, i hate to point fingers, so i start with positive:

I think the bigot part is specific to the racist slant of the apartheid response.

I have used this method. It works like a champ.

Paul "What's inside the box?"

That made me laugh!

And far more incarceratey

No you aren't... I thought the article was going to mention that...

I did, they replaced all of Johnny 5's weapons with house hold items

Not just credits, one of the greatest movies ever!

I need to change my vote now.

If there is one thing cats love, its the sound of rapidly blowing air!

I saw the psychedelic obi wan cartoon scene years ago. I didn't even think this was still being pursued.

That download upload is tempting. I did not know my bluetooth was restricted. Now I am curious.

what is the benefit for jailbreaking other than not being tied to itunes? What apps are so awesome I should risk (i know the risk is small) bricking my ipad?