
I think that this review deserves to be a tag line on the adverts!

I hear ya brother! I am 6'4" and used to have to fly for work every other week. It wasn't my knees but my shoulders, they don't fit within my designated seat area so i have to sit kind of twisted the whole time or i am touching my neighbor. Also, I am "big boned" so the the whole trip down the aisle is a testament

Dear IO9, I love you for putting this together. That is all.

Whats more disturbing to me is that i could still see his disembodied mouth moving as most of his head went away... whats up with that

Stay strong brother! Together we can beat this! My name is Cyrulean, and I am a recovery magic addict...

last time I took my son to the audiologist they had a sign up for this service, it was only 199$. With such a glowing endorsement I might take them up on it.

I am claiming you got this from seeing Star Trek Generations

Apparently neither are 10 blow up aliens enough

I wanted it, up until i noticed the ridiculous hybrid thing from Aliens 4... i really hate that thing.

i hear the logic of your words but i also dont swim in lakes for similar hang ups

Standing at a urinal with no shoes on is one of the grossest things i have seen today.

This is pretty typical of most anime. The girls in anime always follow current trends in "image." Usually they are exaggerations of what is popular. Also, the guys follow something similar. Over the past several years there has been a definite trend in "pretty boys" in anime. There is even a genre of anime,

Once again, gizmodo saves me!

I think Chris Nolan is knowledgeable enough to do that. Good catch btw

Two are of equal value: BtAS version and Batman Beyond. Runner up: Dark Knight Returns

Your image also contains seizures...

I was just happy to see Omega Supreme in a modern ad.

100% agree, i will take my nine pizzas over nachos any day

Going a bit further, i bought a router to attach to my Uverse inet box. I have connected all the grown up computers and tablets to the Uverse and all the consoles and kid computers to a the extra router. Now, i set up the OpenDNS on the extra router but i am still getting resolution to forbidden sites. However, if