
@enteecee: You know, that's a very good point.

@dnwilliams: That would totally work for me - and instantly upgrade the movie from a might-see to a first-in-line.

@RadioSilence: The internet informs me that about a fifth of all leeches are saltwater species. Leeches of the family Piscicolidae, for instance, of the order Rhynchobdellida. Although I've no idea if any saltwater leeches look like that, or are liable to munch on humans - as far as I can tell from a brief look most

Of course an even more interesting answer to the question "Am I living in a simulation?" is "Yes, and No, and It Makes No Difference."

@GeorgeDW: Yes, you're correct. A lot of the initial coverage of Dark Flow gave the incorrect impression that objects outside the observable universe were exerting a gravitational influence upon objects within it. Clearly that's not true (and those responsible for the papers on the subject make it very clear that this

@OutlawDominus: I believe there are distinct physical changes in the brain that may occur due to long periods of learned helplessness. And of course there are genetic factors predispoing people to mood disorders., often involving the amygdala. For instance,

A love triangle?

This may be of interest:

@justvisiting: "Still, the rag is definitely the worst news outlet we've got in this country."

@TenthPlanet: I've been watching Doctor Who since Tom Baker and Louise Jameson and of course I'm fonder of some eras in the show's history than others. But personally I think Doctor Who is now better than it's ever been. And it's great to see it being "cool" again.

So, fellow Niners, what Star Wars release would you actually consider purchasing on BluRay?

Thankyou for watching this so we don't have to.


@Chip Overclock: I discovered this effect during the years I spent house-sharing in my 20s....

@shaunmcilroy: I saw it in 3D on Sunday - we didn't have much choice, as we couldn't make the sole 2D showing at 11AM.

@Eldritch: There's something verrrry interesting about the Amy pregnancy though. It's not a soap opera pregnancy. It looks like there may be some sort of huge paradox, resulting in her being both pregnant and not-pregnant, and maybe the child existing and not-existing.