
@John: Thanks for putting so rationally what I would have said with flaming vitriol and over-blown hyperbole.


@CMW89: That's not right.

@Paladin58: M. Night Shamalamadingdong called, he wants his twists back.

Oh yeah. What could POSSIBLY go wrong here.

Wow. For having a permanent sneer and lips that don't ever meet, Christopher Lee's character has some amazing diction. I guess if you're a bishop or whatever, God lets you use plosives without having to have the regularly necessary anatomy.

There seems to be this overriding mythology in western society at the least (I'm not really qualified to speak for Asia, I've only lived in Japan for 2.5 years and that was a decade ago), that says that any person who truly wants to be loved will find someone capable of loving them. And moreover, that if you can't

I am Dick's painfully swollen hand.

Otaku rage over something that is utterly pointless. Film at 11.

@spatoola: This guy created a game where you try and kill the president of the Unites States of America. I'm confident he's already on the No-Fly list.

@Behrditz: If you look at the historical record, i think the church has granted enough tacit indulgence of indiscriminate killing in the name of christ that it's tantamount to the same thing.

@robmay948011: "Steel isn't strong, boy, flesh is stronger! Look around you. There, on the rocks; a beautiful girl. Come to me, my child...

@Nimlygos: +1 nerd point for D&D reference.

PETA is sensationalist, overbearing, and tells everyone what not to do and how to live their lives whilst not adhering to their own rules. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah ...

@2c-b: As has been said before, PETA != Vegetarianism. I avidly support vegetarian lifestyle (tho i am not strict myself due to a number of reasons, i'm largely veggie), and most people, while they may be staunch omnivores, usually have little issue with vegetarians themselves.

@Billkwando: God yes, this reached out of the screen and throttled my delicate sense of grammar.

@Jesse Thompson: No thanks, having too much fun taking your post literally, as it's written.

@CRAZYAPE69: No, this is exactly what I want. Don't group me in this "we" you seem to bandy about so easily.