

@BlueBeard: Oh god, please tell me you're lying. HE'S the one responsible for that? Off to IMDB I go ... :(

@Dethzilla: "How many other liers (sic) are still in office?"

@Arthur Taylor: Seriously, next time, he'll put a /sarcasm tag on the end.

@Mark_Luther: Nah, there's been a huge history of nazi-esque uniform play being part of the BDSM scene - has everything to do with the perception of fascism and cruelty being (rightfully) linked to that regime. But yeah, over time it's jsut become a recognized feature in that world (note that even so, not everyone

@sabrage: No more than every single fantasy RPG ever has been. With very little exception, no one seems to be able to make a FRPG without buggering poor ol' J.R.R.'s cold and moldering corpse.

@GeneralBattuta: Ah. this would have been a good thing to include, thank you for making the point. +1 physics for you.

/head explode

@wtf_G: This I do not dispute. Not to mention, they just don't last (which eventually makes the unemployment thing a moot point, but still not a good deal). I personally believe it's throwing away good ink that could go somewhere else.

YES! You all owe me a steak dinner.

@GHNeko: CHRIST, did you see that? He just ripped that dude's spine out, through his ass, over the intarwebs!

@Bercilak: Wow. You're just one big ball of tolerance, aren't you? Could you do the rest of us a favor, and write all of these insightful comments down on napkins instead? Then put them in a shoebox. When that one's full, start another. And then, anytime you think one of those sounds like a good thing to post, take

@Kay-Ell: Some God-less heathen country, no doubt. Not only are they taking our jobs, but th—

@Kang81: you realize that PotC is based off a movie too, right?

@CandlejackDANZA: "And corporations are strongly advised to take more classes in Ethics and Civics." FTFY.

This just in: Companies want to make more money! Film at 11.