
@jabber: Unlike Charon, I never charged. :)

I used to work at MCV in Richmond, VA. There was a subterranean tunnel, all steam-pipes and concrete, that we would transport patients through when they died. It connected the hospital to the morgue. I called it the Styx tunnel (none of my co-workers got that), and it was the quietest place i've ever been in.

What?! No mention of the Star Wars Holiday Speical?! You have GOT to be Kidding me.

@Mandark: Admitting the problem is the first step. Welcome, Mandark!

@Archon Divinus: Seconded. Actually, I'd argue that DS9 was the only Trek series that was at all watchable - and they stole all they could from B5! (Yes, yes, trekkies, we know. You're so cute when you're angry! Nerd rage for everyone!)

@cyphermagnum: Jesus, NM, i just got through scrolling down on the main site. Pay no mind to the idiot behind the Share button.

@Matieo10: I don't think so - this is from something specific to mid-late 80s. Just can't place it. GRRR! I know I know this!!!

@moetop: You ain't kiddin.

Ok, I get all of them but #2 ... I wanna say the armor from Ghosts and Goblins, but i'm sure that's wrong.

Ah. Thank you. This was just what I needed today. LOVE IT!!

@Mr_Biggles: I thought you were having a seizure on the Keyboard till I got to "/ARM OFF " and then it all made sense. Nicely done.

@Death_By_SnuSnu: Dammit, why can't he stick to multiple choice like everyone else?!

@evilmajikman: Ah yes. Because that completely invalidates my argument! Thanks so much for showing me how fallacious my logic is. ;)

@Keylow: Obligatory Graph. Apologies to source, can't remember who first tossed it out (xkcd?)

@Ossidiana: "I just wonder why with ALL the zillion scantly clad female babes in videogames, no one complains, but whenever someone finally reserves the identical threatment to male characters, there's a lot of complaint."

@hell_snake: Nope. :) You're putting words in my mouth again.