
@hell_snake: Nothing in your reply has any connection to what I just said. Re-read your post.

@Ossidiana: Oh so true. Consider this revenge for every female JRPG character ever. I'm looking at YOU, Bayonetta.

@Frank: Then you'll be happy to make your own damn half-hour show, i guess? You have 10 minutes. Go.

@W10002: Ever play any MERP (or anything from ICE for that matter)? More spreadsheets and tables than an Oracle DBA's wet dream. THAT is satan's game.

@OneBigPear: HELL yes. Electric version is one amazing album.

@Crrash: I think the word you're looking for is Diesel Punk. And try Gear Krieg (PnP) or the upcoming Steel Battalion reboot (360). Both are WWII-based and feature mechs much like our olive-drab friend here.

@Kaijin_Kumori: While i could take your comment in the way it was intended and have rational discourse about the actual merit of the franchise vs. social consensus on its flaws and foibles, I will instead just comment on how hilarious it is to see someone use the comment "... it certainly doesn't suck." about a vampire

@Kaijin_Kumori: It's Twilight, you can't spoil something that's already rotten. ;)

@zapan: I don't know what's more humorous, your absolute inability to take my comment with anything resembling a sense of humor, or the Jesusland comment.

@Annalee Newitz: WOM! BAT! I just love the shit-eating grin on his face. "Yeah. Yeah, i know. I'm cute. I'm friggin' adorable over here. No need for that, there's enough wombat for everyone here. Just love me up, buddy."

@Aquifel: 'Cos we don't do ANYTHING half-assed. That's right, if i'm gonna get in a fender-bender, someone gonna DIE.

@bakana: Batshit insane is right.

@zapan: I really do share your concern and sentiment. And I agree, the metric system is more logical and concise. However, since I've gone past the point where I can readily switch to a new system to understand my world, and since I'm more important than any of you fuckers, we'll be staying with the imperial system


@MaNiFeX: doesn't matter, i don't think many of the people in his country will be allowed to dissent vocally ...

@milford: I was all set to rip you one, until your last paragraph. You have the right of it, and I blame sensationalist media for a good portion of that (and good ol' human nature for the rest). I'd argue they are a minuscule minority, but they make great headlines. I love my first amendment, but it doesn't grant

@Metatron: This I wholeheartedly agree with. So i think i'll concede the point to you, with the reminder to occasionally broaden the scope of your criticism. It never hurts :)

@Metatron: And you're welcome to do so. Just as I'm welcome to bash your grammar! :)

@Aklost: Think it looks beautiful, regardless of the provenance. Look beyond the trappings, see it for what it is.