
@MrMister: Don't forget, they're all good at math and science too. They're going to take all our jobses!

@Metatron: I've met just as many Europeans and Japanese who are that xenophobic. It's not an 'American' issue; Xenophobia is a human issue. The only solution is education.

@Batmanuel: Best post of the day. I doff my cap to you sir. (And yes, i happen to be wearing one.)

@Arafelis: Agreed, not arguing the intermingling of the mechanism. Individuals (men particularly, from personal experience) can certainly be aroused through purely physical stimulus, provided there is an initial openness to *be* aroused. Social and instinctual training protects the genital area - any contact in that

@Arafelis: Hate to chime in, but I have to agree at least partially with CM here. While i agree that some initial phys stimulation can (and usually will) produce a sexual result in a receptive partner, the same cannot be said if there is no receptivity.

I do not in general believe in piracy of software, as I firmly advocate paying for what you use. But this ... Kotick may force me to make an exception in his company's case.

This idiot got drunk enough to apply Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad thoery to non-digital communication. Poor form, old bean! It's off to the bobbie-box with you, and gang-rape in prison. Cheerio!

@sudo rm -rf /: I'm sure this might be somewhat insulting, so please forgive me, but when you said "Jesus riding a dinosaur", my immediate thought was wow, that would be effing cool!.

I used to volunteer crew on a tall ship, and the more dexterous of us were the climbers - we had to go into the rigging and furl sail, untangle colors, etc. We always had harness and line, but free climbing was a part of getting where you needed to get. I agree with the video - it's quicker, easier, and less tiring.

@Annalee Newitz: So instead of sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads ... it's lasers with friggin' embedded shark's heads?! I guess when you go wetware, you really go wet ... not even gonna ask how you get the smell out ...

I knew at least once in my posing career, i was gonna make a very, very dumb comment. This was is. Deleted for the safety of everyone else.

@Annalee Newitz: So, you're saying the shark is still an integral component of the system? Wow, that's either one hell of a roving aquarium (kick ass!), or one very heavily modified (and likely pissed) shark. Either way ... PEWPEWPEW. Screw you, Austin Powers, i'm putting holes in geography ...

DP9 was a fave of mine ever since the Jovian Chronicles sourcebooks for RTal's Mekton. Some truly inspired stuff - love that they're still in business!

@Lanhoj: Says Microsoft Dev: "Working as Intended. Have Credit Card handy."

The laser cannons will not operate so long as the sharks they were taken from have any say in the matter.

@Kaka Kittens: Yeah, it's pretty much vintage anime and Miyazaki for me, i guess. I'm the worst blend of Indie Kid and otaku - it was better before it got popular and everyone loved it (I'm looking at YOU, Adult Swim!)

@Kaka Kittens: I guess there really isn't much of a difference, is there? Although I think Moe is a bit more broad in age definition - i've heard that Rei from Evangelion was the first mainstream Moe character, and I don't think of her as a Lolicon type - but still, the creepy factor is nearly the same.