
... /sigh.

NEEEEEEEEEEECK neckneckneckyneck-a-roooooooo...

@Joscelin: I don't disagree with a single word. I just enjoy baiting the ravenous masses. It's my guilty pleasure.

Queue bitching about Martin's abandonment of the series, and a "writer's obligation to his readers" or whatever.

@JayDukes: Makes sense, with their business model: You wanna screw someone virtually, we're gonna screw you financially.

@Zombies make the heart grow fonder: Yeah, I guess when you don't wear pasties and a garter belt, it ruins the effect. Seriously, tho, at least they have a semi-plausible reason.

@Zombies make the heart grow fonder: Same reasoning? Or were they worried about it somehow being made into a shiv? Honest curiosity here, I wonder how pervasive this 'sensitive metal detector' crap is ...

@Snyegurochka: If this is true, 1) your bf is a brave, brave man, and 2) I have a steam-room that needs some heat if you need some extra money on the side ...

@crosis101: Oh god yes. This. Thank you for the best derisive laugh I've had in a days. It's so true ...

@JayDukes: yeah, and i think that's the general consensus. The "exercise in disguise" thing is a pipe-dream - people will exercise with the wii/move if they WANT exercise. It's not gonna sneak up on 'em and bite 'em in the ass.

@eman_resu: Musicians have never had a shortage of self-importance or ill-considered things to say. I'm one myself, and while I do prefer making my own over playing covers, RB is big fun when you've got a whole party going and most people *can't* play a real instrument, especially while hammered - it takes a little

@JayDukes: all depends. a lot of wii/move games can be played from a couch if you're creative. So if you want to be active, you certainly will ... if you want to be a potato, move is not gonna magically grant you a six-pack.

@Dr.Rabbit: matter of opinion and reinforcement. While kids to tend to gravitate towards sweets, most of the 'tastes better' comes from advertizing campaigns and a lack of options. If you eat a primarily healthy diet, fast food tastes fake.

@cletar: yeah ... evil like a fox!

@cletar: But Shriekback clearly tells us that evil *IS* an exact science! (first verse)

Using the word "rehash" and any JRPG title in the same sentence is redundant.

Science. It works, bitches. (thanks to XKCD)