
@McFluff: actually, i'd wager that the vast majority of fans won't care - in fact, i'd go so far to say that most of them will never know. Most of the gamer market are sleepers - they don't care about the details. They just buy the games.

Oh, Harly. Harly, Harly Harly.

@LoganAdams: Statistically, he'd more likely be Chinese.

@CynicalNinja: Thank you for providing the first post I've had to read twice to make sure I had received the meaning properly. It's nice to see someone make use of articulate vocabulary.

@Kratchy: exactly what he said; it makes sense. The majority of Farmers are Chinese. The majority of Chinese PLAYERS are NOT farmers. two different sets you're working with.

"You loved me. It creeped me out, but it's considered normal and culturally condoned, so I accepted it with as much grace as I could muster. Now, I really want to actually have something resembling a life, and you feel I have betrayed you.

@Sakurafire: I was thinking Tinea Versicolor. Or road-rash. I mean, those things must drag a bit.

@Lady formerly of the Bananas: I had a nice long post here. But you know what? It's sunny out. I'm going to quit wasting your time. I hope you have a VERY pleasant day, and i hope your posting get the results you want.

@Lady formerly of the Bananas: Hmmm. I'm guessing you rolled your eyes and sighed the first few lines into my post. I'm also guessing that ANY argument I would pose would get the same results. Even with the semantic content of my post being "I absolutely agree it's damaging and it effects everyone negatively".

@WFROSE: i think you have totally misinterpreted what that statement is meaning. This is not "I'm trying to eat healthy!". This is "I'm trying to eat as little as possible and still function so that I stay painfully skinny like those women on the telly." Watching what you eat means some very different things depending

@Lady formerly of the Bananas: Actually, by your arguement, YOU have missed "A" (not "The") valid point. While you are one hundred-percent correct in that girls and young women are hugely impacted by altered images, I would also argue that young men are similarly impacted by the same images. Those images set up

@strich: especially around the mid-thigh area ....

For my next trick ... I will now remind you of every "Yes" album you ever owned.

@Cotes: Control is an illusion. Your fate is fixed. better to face it wide-eyed and resigned to your end than cry for choice. We play the part we're meant to play.

@minusX: I fish VERY well, thank you. Very well, indeed.

OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODPLEEEEEEZE let this be Firefly Mk. II. I promise to eat all my brussel sprouts and clean the litterbox. Just ... GIMMEE!