
Well, we do live in a world with the Foo Fighters, Snow Patrol, and Modest Mouse.

From personal experience, it takes probably a few months for gym rats really concentrating on any particular muscle group to not have a general soreness about them all the time.

I'm a big gym nut. It doesn't take a lot to get abs like that. Just nearly daily gym visits, lots of drinking water, healthy eating with a lot of protein, cutting back on alcohol, jogging at least two miles a day…

Ex E! female comedic personality wants to tackle serious issues


It varies wildly. I know several guys that go crazy for the tall model types (just not super-thin). They are all over 6 ft tall.

Movie industry is still the movie industry, no matter how progressive it wants to believe it is.

As a man, I long for a frame of reference for such seemingly simple pleasure.


And of one of its writing noms, The Wire lost to House….

Even though I don't think the Oscars are perfect, they are still an award that I still feel carry true prestige celebrating quality.

Maybe she'll play Lady Death.

His previous careers may be dead or in jeopardy, but his lifelong profession of being a punchline is still going strong

I'm fairly certain very few people even watched the video. For one, he didn't even say that statement in the headline. For another, um, duh?

LaRondell and Martinique are somewhat tame. And I know a couple of girls called Mercedes, so Lexus isn't that bad (it still is tho). My brother is named Alexis. But he gets cool nicknames like "Lex", "Lex Luthor", and "Lex Luger" so it worked out.

I don't think Oliver has Stewart's innate humor down, especially when it comes to some of his cringe-worthy adlibs during punchlines. A bit better than Maher, but I'd still take a New Rules segment over Oliver trying a bit too hard during his punchlines.

Linnux doesn't hold a candle to Winndows or OSXXX

As a 34-year old opinionated black man, I tend to swoon at people like Jessica Williams. Wait a minute, I feel something….