
Those people did not like Hillary Clinton. Whether justified or not (it wasn't), millions of people were just voting against the other candidate, just like in 2003

This is pretty much the AVClub norm, now. Engaging discourse is slowly getting replaced with kneejerk, myopic venom, no matter the topic.

Let's read what a bunch of white Americans have to say about this issue! It will surely be empathetic and enlightening

If true…

You know, this makes me feel bad cuz I'm defending a dude that settled out of court, which is usually a red flag that he probably did harass women and even went far as to hurt their careers for not obeying his sexual advances….

It's rare, and I have a few right-leaning, non-awful friends, but it happens. One actually valid thing that Lonergan brings up in this "are you seriously defending Casey Affleck" piece is that using terms interchangeably regarding sexual misdeeds is irresponsible, particular if one is acquitted, looking at this from a

I was talking about the internet and the social climate in the US in general. Other than a few questionable comments regarding people on the right, the AVClub has been pretty cool

I think mentioning "PC" skates a fine line. Some people are frothing at the mouth to show self-righteous outrage, while some people are just "why I can't say/do bad things with no consequence anymore" clueless.

His skin color is about a couple of shades away from being the same color as Miranda's hair, so there's that.

Trump is clearly Charlotte. Not the brightest, but has a pure hea…. well, not the brightest

He was deported. Come on, it's like barely three paragraphs to read

No, it's part of the party's conspiracy. They'll be bad at presenting their ideals and appealing to the middle class, and totally keep letting the other party get voters to vote against their own interests out of vague promises and fringe issues.

I go to BoxOfficeMojo weekly and didn't know anything about the movie. But (last week anyway), it was the top grossing worldwide movie of 2017

Yep. The NPR correspondent echoed the sentiment that the fact Trump didn't say anything noteworthy being noteworthy is actually depressingly noteworthy cuz we all expected the 'everything is bad, and everyone else is bad, but I alone can fix everything; I hate such_n_such' Trump.

I listen to NPR (shocking as a member of the AVClub, I know), and I admire the interview where an NPR correspondent was asked what impressed him about the Trump address and he flatly said "nothing"

Yep. Here's the pertinent chain, after the easiest Google search series imaginable.

The embedded clip won't play….

It is a bit weird how this article was written, based on the actual video. It sounds like Baldwin just casually mentions a bunch of Trump impersonators are lobbying for the WHCD, to which the obvious reaction would be "booo you're the best Trump". And then it sounds like only these two guys decide to go after Baldwin.

almost lead to impeachment

You can look at any Youtube TED talk that involves a topic of women or people of color and it's rated 50% and filled with this type of crap in the comments