Feyoncé is a pretty Lay-Z pun
Feyoncé is a pretty Lay-Z pun
I think this is literally the only reason the name of the movie even rang a bell in my head. "Oh, that movie with that brief, completely unnecessary shot of Angela Bassett's booty. Yeah I remember now."
Yeah, now trailers all have boldface taglines interspersed between the context-free spoiled scenes.
Why are you even on AVClub?
Simon West (the poor man's Michael Bay (the poor man's Tony Scott))
Can't be any worse than their current bullpen, am I right?
Completely off-topic but as meh as the actual Clash of Clans game looks, I would totally watch a show based on those commercials
Gonna go with the obvious blonde-flavor-of-the-whatever and say Kate Upton
No one is Meg Foster. Seriously, every scene she's ever been in, I completely lose focus because I am lost in her eyes.
….upvoting in shame
I've heard stories about how people meat tastes gross
Are you a Communist?
Apples > Oranges, people.
What a twist!
Oh I get it. Cuz the AVClub is full of old people! I gotcha.
I loved the first Brothers in Arms not just for that, but also for giving you that emotional connection to your team. Most action FPS nowadays usually only make you care for someone on the team because they are a badass.
And thank you AVClub for finally making a "Great Job, Internet" post that I didn't overlook with near-total disdain out of kneejerk reaction.
No kidding. I still admire Lupe as a lyricist, but I felt he had started to lose what made him such a promising rapper in the first place.
I'm quite fond of what Mirror's Edge did with first-person view, myself.