
So you must be sure to slam Donald Trump for something which has nothing whatsoever to do with him, involving him in a discussion of a mass murder. You display your intellectual dishonesty by making a political statement which disrespects the victims, smears Donald Trump (regardless of how much you hate him) and shows

I don’t like Ted Cruz but that’s despicable and indicative of low life that haven’t got a brain in their heads.

Sorry Egg, much too logical for the average liberal to grasp. It’s all sweetness and light to them. We’re all the same therefore none of us should be held accountable for our actions.

Hmmm, excuse me? She’s a murderer! I guess you only see her as a victim. I would encourage you to learn about her victims.

I guess “life in prison” never really means life in prison when people see criminals as victims and victims as statistics.

I’ll respect her even more when she speaks out about Bill and Hillary’s treatment of women. Does she even know that Hillary bullied and threatened his victims so as to benefit her political career? There’s a hell of a lot more hard evidence of Bill Clinton’s rape and assault of numerous women than there is of Woody

This ISN’T about infidelity! You are purposely blind to what you don’t want to see. Hillary bullied and intimidated Bill CLinton’s VICTIMS! Women who were assaulted with UNWANTED sexual advances! In one case RAPE! How come you don’t believe rape victims? Oh, that’s right. The press tried to bury the story but we know

Here’s why: Because the “tolerant”and “diverse” left hates and demonizes anyone who disagrees or marches to their own drummer. It wasn’t too many years ago that were the ones who told everyone to “do your own thing.” Not anymore. Now THEY are the tyrants who punish and hate anyone who “does their own thing.” It was