Empathy for what? Boss asked her not to wear something to work. She got upset, decided to fuck with boss, good for her. She’s still going to lose the job.
Empathy for what? Boss asked her not to wear something to work. She got upset, decided to fuck with boss, good for her. She’s still going to lose the job.
Has anyone done chemical interaction tests? What if there are chemicals in Rio’s water that react to the drugs in athletes bodies and they start spontaneously combustion or something?
When you think about it though, all it does is show you the air you’re normally breathing out of their mouths without seeing because people exhale regardless.
He also got a nod of approval from Lindsey Graham. So that’s nice.
So not voting for Trump is therefor as good as voting for Hillary? Ipso facto, if I stay home I get two votes! Thanks!
Hey, as a publisher, can you tell me why you exist at all in a digital age? Why not have contact creators directly sell to their consumers and stop paying money to people like you who add no value anymore, but still try to collect more money than the creators?
I’m not following. A republican senator congratulating a democratic VP nominee and people shouldn’t be question how progressive he is?
When Tom Brady kicked that homerun into the net I was going crazy.
I’m so pumped I think I’m going to take a nap!
I don’t see why not. We already have a dog Supreme Court
This exactly. People are SUPPOSED to vote for what matters to them. What they think is relevant to them. What effects them.
Oh boy...IPT is sketchy as hell
Like? Asking for a friend
Did they just tell Fox News their female reporters aren’t welcome?
You’re a moron. A single video of a black guy getting beaten by police in the 90s started riots. Today everyone has a camera and it’s not making race relations worse, it’s exposing what always existed and would otherwise be ignored.
There’s no need. There’s video evidence of both.
Because she filmed it as it was happening. She was calm and the officer was panicking.
His girlfriend whom you can clearly here in the video saying he was getting his id like the officer asked.
You’re really bad at this. Right after the first paragraph he said those are facts because the first paragraph is facts. Then he starts his opinion piece...
Castille did nothing wrong. He had no criminal record, legally owned his gun, and did everything he was supposed to do. He was still shot. Profiled randomly and without cause.