But Clinton’s private email server wasn’t? Why is no one blaming Clinton for giving Comey anything to investigate in the first place?
But Clinton’s private email server wasn’t? Why is no one blaming Clinton for giving Comey anything to investigate in the first place?
The lesson here is you need to get Univision to pony up for a television show.
ISIS claimed responsibility.
Space elevators are reasonably within reach and would instantly transform space construction. Lower the cost from hundreds of thousands of dollars per kilogram to a few hundred.
ISIS claims responsibility
I hope the gun is ok.
We need to embargo the shit out of Saudi Arabia but our dear leaders decided they’re our allies
Roe-v-Wade was 43 years ago and our current GOP VP nominee has guaranteed to repeal it. It doesn’t take much to go backwards.
I turned this article about women into a thing about women?
What alternative do they have? Just stroll around Riyahd in a 2 piece swimsuit and see what happens? The article mentions that this woman couldn’t even run fully covered without being harassed. Domestic violence is normal, honor killings are a regular thing, and women who speak out literally get killed.
It’s the men who are afraid of losing the women. They don’t want women to be able to choose not to be with them.
Everyone except for leader Annette Edmundson fell.
I think he’s saying that if someone gets within projectile vomit range, you shoot should shoot them just to be safe.
Empathy for what? Boss asked her not to wear something to work. She got upset, decided to fuck with boss, good for her. She’s still going to lose the job.
He also got a nod of approval from Lindsey Graham. So that’s nice.
So not voting for Trump is therefor as good as voting for Hillary? Ipso facto, if I stay home I get two votes! Thanks!
I’m not following. A republican senator congratulating a democratic VP nominee and people shouldn’t be question how progressive he is?
I don’t see why not. We already have a dog Supreme Court