Yes, the one instance he shows a smidgen of humanity toward the black (secret Muslim) democrat president, as he was given federal aid for the hurricane damage to his state, is worse than anything else he has ever done or said. Must be a commie!!/s
Yes, the one instance he shows a smidgen of humanity toward the black (secret Muslim) democrat president, as he was given federal aid for the hurricane damage to his state, is worse than anything else he has ever done or said. Must be a commie!!/s
I am for that. If the words “waterboarding isn’t torture.” pass your lips and your are serious... prepare to be strapped down.
And it’s not like the “spoiler” concept was invented by Nader, in any case. Teddy Kennedy torpedoed the shit out of Jimmy Carter in 1980 over ideological differences - and hello Ronnie! Bill Clinton would be a political footnote if it weren’t for the giant sucking sound made by a big hunk of Perot votes coming right…
That’s just flat-out not true and wouldn’t be without a voter turn-out of 100%. Bloomberg can get votes from people who wouldn’t vote for either candidate as well as poaching them.
Because they’ll love him in the south, where a New Yorker with a very Jewish sounding last name always plays well! They’ll distrust him as much as they do Sanders
Weird, it’s almost like Canada’s political structure is irrelevant to a US presidential race.
Yep. Another delusional, narcissistic billionaire in the race. That’s just what we need to diversify the candidate pool. I hope Cruz gets the win, which leads Trump to run as an independent too. Who wouldn’t want a Cruz / Trump / Bloomberg / Clinton or Sanders face-off? Let’s go full clusterfuck in 2016.
So now we know what Wall Street’s emergency plan is in case of voter revolt against the status quo.
Seriously. I’d happily vote for Hillary, so it’s not Bernie bias to say so. How can that be read as anything but a threat? Serious Independent candidates are ALWAYS suicide runs that destroy whatever political side they are closest to, and we all know it.
Maybe before jumping to the conclusion that I’m a person who loathes Hillary and is calling her a cunt and then freaking out about it, you should consider the possibility that I’ve got nothing against her and this is a lyrical substitution of a well-known Kelis song parodying the whole Berniebro phenomenon in the…
I actually meant to pick tuna, but my machine messed up I got Pat Buchanan instead.
there I am :)
Like the default being crying “sexist!” and doing every possible to avoid having to address actual issues instead of perceived attacks on one of the most privileged women in the world?
That’s why the game should always be played on the East Coast!
Seriously, if there was some magic fix to Hyde that she knew and she didn’t mention it to Obama that’s insane— thousands of lives could have been saved, but of course there is no such fix, just like she knows that her promises to significantly increase gun control are just as pie in the sky as the Sanders proposals on…
I think I see it a bit differently. I am also concerned about WOC who we bomb in other countries needlessly, Bernie is probably a better candidate for them since he doesn’t support wars in the same way HRC does. I also think poor women suffer especially under the welfare reforms that HRC and the charter school reforms…
For women like me, though, the “women’s issues” are income inequality, the need for universal health care, the need for better parental leave (or any at all for most people), and higher wages. Raising the minimum wage, for example, with have the greatest effect for single mothers. If we have universal health care,…
They’re not booing. They’re saying “Booooorady”
Those “larger” issues are women’s issues too. It’s just that more and more feminists have become frustrated with the narrow application of “women’s issues” to wealthy, white, American women.