Definitely sand.
Definitely sand.
Thank you for demonstrating exactly why I wouldn’t move there.
Haha! Another good one, Burke. Almost got me again, but we all know the 13 year old girl actually killed two college students.
Huh. Sounds like you’re one of those “winning’s all about who’s got more points at the end of the game” guys.
There’s a compelling argument to be made that the only way we’ll win back congress is if Democratic voters are excited to get out and vote, and even if Clinton is more “electable,” Sanders is the one who has a chance of really activating the base. People win elections when people are energized and excited to vote for…
Hey, I’m just grateful you didn’t dismiss me entirely. It’s okay to stay comfortably inside your own narrative, but don’t be surprised if women like me push back against the dismissive sexism I see from a surprising number of Clinton supporters. It’s not helping anything and simply driving a bigger wedge between the…
Honestly, though? Republicans HATE Hillary. With the current state of politics NEITHER would be able to do much. We need turnout more than anything, so I don’t think that voting for Hillary for that particular reason is the answer.
Clinton doesn’t know how to work the system, she personifies the system, as in fitting effortless into it, while giving the perception that she would fight for the average citizen’s wellbeing, when she’s only interested in upholding the status quo. I’d pick the guy with the great ideas who might win over the public…
I see this a lot too...being a woman I am almost expected to vote for Hillary. I see Bernie as more feminist than Hillary and he is definitely getting my vote.
Preach it. So tired of being told I’m not a “true feminist” because I don’t support Hillary Clinton. Perhaps I’ve just compared two humans who I view as equals and am voting for the one I feel best represents my political leanings.
Why do you doubt this? I have encountered many people galled by my betrayal of the sex for supporting Sanders over Clinton.
This is just me but I think most comparisons between Warren and Sanders is looking as Sanders as the next best thing to being able to vote for Warren. Sanders’ first big bump in the polls came when polls stopped including Warren.
I wish Elizabeth Warren could have been a choice in this election. Having our first female president would be an exciting thing, but I know a lot of people don’t want to vote for a “Margaret Thatcher” to do it, metaphorically-speaking.
“Every woman I know is excited about a female president. I am a feminist and I am beside myself with excitement for a female president.” isn’t this in fact sexist because your excitement is based solely on her being a woman? That is like me being excited for Ben Carson because he is a black man. I didn’t vote for…
I’m a woman, and the only person I know who supports Hillary is a cis gay guy. My friends are Bernie supporters. It’s all anecdotal and doesn’t mean a lot.
Clinton won’t help the path to a Warren presidency, it will have the opposite effect. Clinton’s established interests and Warren are diametrically opposed re: Wall Street regulation.
He does hate America, after all.
I believe in FREEDOM and LIBERTY to discriminate as I please!
A possible explanation is that the job market has improved so much in the last five years that an entry-level person can demand a better salary now than they could five years ago.
On the slot, it’s not an uncommon occurrence. If I had to guess, the commenters that do this are in the minority the same way that Berniebros are in the minority, but that’s just a guess.