Kasich: “Yeah, I am not familiar with it. OK. I’ve got to get out of here.”
Kasich: “Yeah, I am not familiar with it. OK. I’ve got to get out of here.”
You see, the joke here was that the Texans started 3-5 (actually 2-5) and despite starting 4 QBs AND losing Arian Foster, still won the AFC South. And with a roster not billed as Super Bowl caliber before September rolled around.
Did he, andsmokeit...
I agree that the AFC looks weak. But it looks top heavy most years too.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
Al Jazeera is a credible news organization, why would they be unqualified to report on this?
/divides other kettle of fish into three parts
“Sounds right to me.”- G.W. Bush
I love how the Russian announcer’s voice betrays the slightest flicker of interest around the 30, but it’s long gone by the goal line.
That’s some shit tier trolling you’ve got there. Couldn’t you have at least implied that the OP was an unstoppable rape machine by his choice of words or something? What happened Jezebel...your ludicrous completely socially unaware outrages over nothing were a lot better the previous year
If you haven’t seen this, you should.
When Tim Tebow heals Johnny Manziel’s disease with the power of Jesus during a live special at half time during the super bowl, we will reach critical mass and call it a day.