
Wasn't interest in Discovery Canyon what got them into trouble in the first place?

Hey, T.J. Welcome to Deadspin. Got any good Plaschke stories?

Didn’t realize it was possible, but this story is less interesting than the game of baseball itself.

If it’s true that he didn’t know while he was pitching, that means someone leaked that shit before Volquez was informed. And that person needs to be hunted down and set on fire, because that means that dude was pitching game 1 while the whole world knew about his father’s death before he did. And that's fucked up.


I ride motorcycles and have for over 20 years now. Have I passed people on a double yellow before when I was younger? Absolutely. Do I do it anymore? No way. Is it always wrong? Yes, for at least two reasons: (1) it means you are out of driver expectation (same as bicyclists running stop signs even when it’s “safe” -

I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.


a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

It’s certainly in the PBUC manual, the manual for Minor League umpires (it seems the only way to get it is to buy a hard copy, but a page regarding that section, with that text, is here:…). I have no idea if the same text exists in a manual for Major League umpires.

Well if it wasn't the defenseman standing on the goal line gets a red card and a penalty is given becuse he reaches out and slaps the ball away with his hands. Take your pick

Roger Goodell would definitely fuck up the discipline on this one.

ISIS would like to argue with you

Let the record reflect I starred this for the phrase “big, sad, empty metal butthole.”

Having concluded the portion of the day in which he does and says reasonable things, Blank returned to overseeing construction of a taxpayer-subsidized, robot sphincter stadium.

Just enjoy the dregs of summer without the internet.

Yeah, being on the receiving end of $75 million you never had to pay back must have been really crappy.

Photo of Curt drafting the letter:

were those tunnels as long as the way it took you to get to this punchline?

“Christ, if I’m gonna watch a bunch of dykes lay down together I’d rather do it on the laptop in the privacy of my own goddamn home.”