
Bring us the team of Ian Darke and Steve McManaman, please.

I hate Sherman, but big talk after the fact.

The sideline ref even pointed to the spot where he stepped out! Why didn't he just blow the whistle!?

I think it's pretty brave / awesome of her to post these updates, especially with photos. Ray Rice videos aside, domestic assault is usually something that is hidden behind closed doors. And it extends way beyond just the initial act; recoveries can take months and people are usually left with permanent injuries. It's


Something nice about this too.

Prost did lead him by a nose.

Wow, little Prost really has learned a few racing techniques from his dad. Glad Heidfield was okay, that type of crash could have ended very differently.

Sometimes this state pleasantly surprises me.

I'm thinking he must've either 1) torn this kid up with that switch, or 2) the kid is really young. I have some familiarity with Texas attitudes toward corporal punishment, and in general the idea is: spare the rod; spoil the child. To get to an indictment in Montgomery County, this "discipline" must've been pretty

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stern? AP didn't commit genocide, Holden.

Well, there was this...

Roger Goodell and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.

On so many levels, the perfect photo to describe America.

"It turns out there are crazy rednecks everywhere in America, even in Hawaii." What you talking about Brah.

Nope, that's definitely a swing/HBP - aka a foul ball.

if the ball hit him in the groin and he swung... It's a strike. It did NOT hit the bat, just like if he swung and missed.

"Who cares?"

This isn't as bad a move as the Cavs GM that once thought that Danny Ferry "had a little talent in him" before the 1990 NBA Draft.