That wife beatin' rice kid/sure plays some mean football
You're an idiot shitwad and Ray rices uppercut would have been better placed up your asshole. You only think people feign outrage because you do. "largely ignored in regular society?" this sentence doesn't make sense and is disingenuous to the point of you yourself looking like a woman beater.
I would say ESPN is tone deaf on this issue but I think it is more deaf dumb and blind.
Just how stupid does ESPN think its audience is? I mean, if their web site's comment sections are representative of that audience, they have a point, but...
Sal: Not to beat a dead horse, Ray, but what did your wi...
Good thing Erin Andrews wasn't there. She probably would have totally blown that hard-hitting question.
I'll say "It was the door!!!"
I was expecting "Not the face!"
If I learned anything from 25 years of America's Funniest Home Videos, it's that the only time it's acceptable to hit the pitcher with a comebacker is if you're five and squaring them up in the nuts.
Fans who witness the first action under the lights for Tampa Bay's new jerseys and reflective numbers will see something brand new to the game of professional football, and yet another instance of forward-thinking innovation by the Buccaneers.
Hang on...I need to revise my Why Your Team Sucks email for the post next week.
Dan Le Batard gets 2 days off for trash-talking LeBron. Skip Bayless gets his own show.
I agree with those saying that should say "Thanks" not "You're welcome."
Same rule applies to A's fans.
Can we maybe talk about how awful that possum is, and how awful it is that the A's say they're just going to let it live in the stadium as long as it doesn't breed?
Trains at Minute Maid Park, fireworks everywhere, some monstrosity in Miami, but bubbles? GTFO!
Here's the commissioner of the Big 12, Bob Bowlsby, owning the absolute shit out of what's become the NCAA…
And thus why this is a terrible format for an all-star game. They should just play east v. west and jog around for 90 minutes. To hell with these precious Europeans.