I've been to skyline and goldstart countless times, and beyond the fries, none of it is fried. That looks like a coney, but the bun looks a bit .. deep fired for some reason. I won't lie I would eat a coney on a deep fried bun.
In the hands of the wrong baseball players, tagging from first late in a five-run game would have led to recriminations and beanballs.
Not a sports personality, but I got banned from commenting or liking any of ESPN's posts on Facebook. Once upon a time last year they posted a link to a video of the Canucks Flames brawl (I think) And I posted this meme just because I was annoyed that ESPN would only cover a hockey fight and never anything else. I got…
I was a freshmen at Notre Dame when our football team went on a miraculous run leading to an undefeated season. We had settled to watch the SEC title game between Georgia and Alabama desperately hoping Georgia would pull off the upset when Lolo Jones tweeted something along the lines of preemptively congratulating…
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar blocked me in 2011 or so, even though I'd only @ replied to him once on Twitter in 2009, asking about jazz LPs (he did not respond, I think it was possibly my fifth tweet).
I am a big IU HOOSIERS fan. Naturally I had a soft spot for Dan Dakich even though he was nearly unbearable as a broadcaster. But about 2 years ago he became less and less pro Hoosier. He even banned Kevin Wilson from his radio show because Wilson called Dakich out for wearing an OSU shirt on the sideline of a game…
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I asked Ray Lewis if he was going to write a "if i did it, this is how i would have done it" book. Got blocked. Does that mean a yes or a no?
Well aren't you super important?
I got blocked by Bomani. I was in Gulf Shores for spring break, and drunkenly at 3 am thought it would be funny to tweet "What are you doing" at Bomani, Lebron James, Rand Paul, and my friend who was in the same house is me. I don't really have a good reason for the tweet, and looking back at it it confuses me.
I don't know if he's important enough to qualify, but @BlkSportsOnline blocked me a few years ago because he used to tweet out stuff from Gregg Easterbrook's column without attribution and I (very mildly) called him out on it once. I don't know what's sadder, the fact that I used to read TMQ or the fact that he…
I literally laughed out loud
Warren Sapp blocked me because I replied to one of his "time to make the doughnuts" tweets with "you should stop eating them you fat pile of shit." So sensitive.
Tom Ley blocked me after I sent him some pictures. WHY DO YOU REJECT MY LOVE TOM?!
My Twitter block story is equal parts dumb and obscure.
Somehow the feed of Graeme Fowler, former English cricket batsman, popped up during an NFL game. He was chiding Americans for how they could invent a rule as stupid as the pass interference law. Fowler blocked me for pointing out that the LBW law is equally as…
Josh Cribbs blocked me because, after he tweeted a joke about Akron guard Alex Abreu getting arrested, I tweeted him a link to his own drug/domestic abuse arrests
This, on the heels of Rovell snitching on that guy, got me blocked.
I would continually do manual RT's on Prisco with stupid filler like "HOT TAKE COMIN' ATCHA" when he would do his asinine understatements like "Billy Donovan is a pretty good coach derp derp derp." Well, he called me an idiot about 15 times, and a number of the DS commentariat would chime in on the thread and he…