
This has become the crease rule of baseball: intended to protect players, but so poorly thought out that it ends up screwing everyone.

If any two states were going to engage in a shallow juvenile pasttime, I'm just glad it happened with those two shapes.

Why did they circle someone in a shirt and tie?

This isn't really a surprise. I've been a Celtics season ticket holder for 20 years, and according to the guys in my section every NBA referee is gay.

You should change your handle to background noise.

If the @JimBowdenESPNXM account is really him, he's following ONLY the fake Joel Sherman account:


This fucking guy...

This isn't the first time Bowden has been fooled. At some point, someone convinced him she was qualified to cut hair.

What's a newspaper?

Yeah, the Flinstones are a bad comparison. I'm sure Ray Rice sees his wife as more like Rubble.

Snider is stupid for not realizing the bases weren't loaded but where in the fuck was Flabby Sanchez going?

What I don't get is, why did the runner on third feel he had to put himself in danger? He could've just stood on third and said "Dude naw," couldn't he?

Could NOT understand how that happened until I realized that the runner on second thought the bases were loaded and strolled towards third.

Please don't take this in offense, but I could have sworn I read an article about this on Gawker a few weeks ago. It had information regarding the Minnesota law that everything was legal (within 4 years of age) until they video taped it. Still good writing though!

He uses that chopper to really impress the 2 star kids who thought they were going to Junior College

Yep. Private chopper rides for recruitment? Totally legitimate use of money. Paying the athletes? FUCK NO YOU FUCKING COMMUNIST!