
Reminds me of my ex-wife. She never had a good explanation for blowing things, either.

"There's not even a clock in this sport, nobody gives a fuck"

If Ted Cruz watched this, he'd probably have a brain aneurysm.

Your sarcasm is clear. But by its nature it suggests that you are shocked at positive coverage of MMA by Tucker and Deadspin, and I'm pointing out that such coverage is more common than you might think.

Robbie's been my favorite fighter for years. It has been so satisfying to see him finally turn the corner after going from super-prospect to journeyman to title contender.

I fully expect Hendricks to dominate the rematch considering how badly he was hobbled in the first match with a torn elbow ligament that neutered his deadly 1 punch KO power.

The Brown-Lawler fight was excellent. As a amatter of fact, the entire card was filled with excellent fights and contenders 1 or 2 fights from a

Here's a piece by Josh about Jon Jones that talks about how he brings beauty to the sport:

*spitting gum in a urinal

Worse than the "thank you" thing for me is when you find yourself in one of those double-door situations and you have the one held open and the person blows by you and uses the other one. "Oh, you got it, great, just checking, dickhead."

- Anyone who, in preparation for a party where you're serving food, decides to purchase equal quantities of plastic forks, knives and spoons. WE WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF THOSE DAMN SPOONS UNTIL I RECYCLE THEM, MRS. EODS!!!!!

Or microwaves leftover fish.

Oh shit, if there's a guy in the NFL who teabags when he gets a sack, I'll watch every one of his team's games, and I don't watch until the Niners make the playoffs.

A high school friend had a birth defect that lead to him having a club foot and only a slight calf muscle on one leg. The other leg was normal. We used to make up ridiculous reasons to strangers for why; probably the best was that he caught his leg in an outboard motor shortly before he had to defend his 1997 World

I would like to amend this statement. Half the bean balls will be reserved for the creeps who use the urinal next to you even if there are open ones further down. Extreme high heat reserved for those who also talk to you while doing it.

Why are so people so afraid of the left-handed handshake? It's not difficult. One of my own pet peeves is when people go in with the right when I have an armful of stuff on my right side. Give me your left hand, you shmuck, I'm carrying shit here!

The cold should have known to avoid that situation to begin with

I would use all dozen of the baseballs on the asshole who burns popcorn in the office microwave.

* Using a credit/debit card at a convenience store for purchases less than $10.