
David Ortiz is a gigantic baby. When he is not throwing tantrums about the scorers table wronging him, he is acting like an arrogant little shit on a last place team. If he had hit that homer yesterday, while getting beat 14-1, he would have acted the same way - that is what makes him a shit.

I never saw Jim Abbott fist pump either.

I've never seen a coach adjust his dick............

I generally agree with calling out hypocrites. But I always disagree when it is used to somehow paint Ortiz in a positive light.

In the linked video, Archer is pretty clearly staring at his catcher during the alleged "staredown," not his opponent.

How is he being annoying when the reporter ASKED him about Ortiz and he gave his honest answer.

Running back punches female marijuana user in face - promising NFL career becomes more promising than ever.

I for one am glad Twitter exists for people to have these quick and stupid reactions. And we can see them.

NOPE. As in unbelievable some scumbag would shit on a victim of an assault because she got arrested for having beer and pot one time in college.

And it has already begun:

What's more, Roger Goodell would suspend the victim for longer than Mixon, becaus she was cited for marijuana possession...

At least he didn't rape her, sodomize her, or invite a friend over to do both right? progress

I think the ball spun away from him on the bounce more than he was expecting, but that he was planning to snag it barehanded from the start. In cricket at least, dealing with spin off the bounce is a requirement, and getting used to snagging balls that turned more than you expected is fairly routine as long as you

This just in: Metta World Peace is still a giant piece of shit.

One of the most offensive parts to this whole story is that this woman actually married Ray Rice after he beat her unconscious. Shouldn't that be a red flag to say the least?

Ortiz is one of the biggest crybabies in the game, he has made it a regular occurrence to complain about the official scorer after every game where there is even a remote chance that an error wasn't an error and that it should have been a hit. These aren't HRs he is contesting, these are base hits that he cries about.

Right, because David Ortiz never pimps HR's. Only vs the Rays. Dude is a Class A douchebag. The only difference between him and A-Rod is RS fans think he's a lovable scamp.

The way Milan has been going in recent seasons, I don't think urine wants to be associated with them.

am I the only one who misread this as mario batali and ran over to see what kind of awesome selfie someone took with that beautiful ginger Italian orange croc wearing man? This isn't Foodspin? Well, fuck you too.

Those weren't fans looking to snag a selfie with Balotelli. Those were AC Milan defenders, which explains the lopsided scoreline.