The humor is they didn't vet the person before putting them on the air, because they are so desperate for any rating spike they can get....
The humor is they didn't vet the person before putting them on the air, because they are so desperate for any rating spike they can get....
I think there's a decent market for a Chunky Shit Sandwich. You know, for folks looking to bulk up
Jesus christ man NO. Shit Sandwich should be just that. 100% digested, smooth fecal matter. No Corn, No Seeds. And it should be Light brown and just slightly runny.
I'm waiting for an article on how brooklyn is ruining shit sandwiches. They're not supposed to have corn in them!
To me it's not exactly humorous, but it makes a great point. He wasn't calling in past call screener. He was cited as an air-air guest, a military person and an on-air expert. The point is why don't these networks vet their guests before presenting them as an expert? Who has gotten on air as an expert and not really…
It's nice to finally see the wife of a Raven drag their husband into something for once.
everyone loves weird al
exposing the media's penchant for being credulous in the midst of a recent crisis in order to hopefully get the important scoop without really caring about actual reporting or journalism
It's a perfect encapsulation 0f- and indictment against the sloppy bottom-feeding standards of corporate news media and the clueless bingo-callers who shuck this horseshit. "Staff Sgt," indeedy.
That sadly was an intern er Ex Intern at KTVU. He was canned after it happened.
Colbert's take on this from last year -> KTVU-TV on Asiana Airlines Crash
cynicalpuss your name implies you're supposed to be cynical. not depressing.
I sense that US, Ruskie relations are somewhere between Spies Like Us and Red Dawn at the moment.
How many hours of community service or charitable works do I have to do for each joke I want to make? Just want to make sure I have the exchange rate correct.
So pun is another word you can't correctly define?
the humour is in these talkin heads trying to get an exclusive that they don't even fact check. An Army staff sergeant wouldn't be at an embassy. The marines do that work. Also, the dumb talking head asked another question.
Gutless and cowardly are the same thing, and unless you literally mean "is a woman" then unmanly means the same thing too. I'll take the dark comedy over the redundant holier-than-thou douchebag any day.
He should have strung it out a bit, thrown in an inside he was driving back to the embassy in his white ford bronco when he saw the bright ball of light in the sky...
I think this stuff is so common these days, the "funny" part is how pathetically stupid the "major cable news network" TV anchors can be. I mean, seriously, how on earth does she not immediatly stop as soon as the words "howard stern" were uttered and tell everyone..."well, looks like one of Mr Sterns listeners got…
Russia in The Ukraine