Your name fits.
Your name fits.
These are Howard Stern fans we're talking about.
I know there's a huge rush to be first breaking a big story, but don't these huge networks have even like 1 fact-checker on staff before letting someone on live TV?
Cerrone's fights are always awesome. Followed him since his WEC days!
I think you're just too close to the topic. You take a blood sample from Mia and what are those chromosomes gonna be looking like? XX or XY?
yea this rubbed me the wrong way
MTF or FTM? You and Reggie are confusing me...
Okay Al, maybe Favre has played more football than most, but his inability to remember any of it makes that a moot point.
I've invited Mike Florio to join the discussion and let us know whether he has ever birthed a boy (from his butt, maybe?).
Be sure to read the comments on Florio's post, which are almost universally coherent and in opposition. This may have been the first PFT article dumb enough to turn PFT commenters smart.
She is a full grown lady, division one athlete who thinks she can punch 18 yr old men for no reason without repercussions. She is a bully who got what she deserved. F her.
Thanks for this comment. It really shook me up.
You mean her disgusting behavior? She's the one that threw a sucker punch.
That and maybe don't hit anyone.
If she didn't punch first, she wouldn't have gotten punched last.
dude hits girl: kicked off team
If this girl wants to play basketball with men and punch men, she can get punched back.
No, it looks like a punch. He did not square up on her. That appeared to be a pulled punch, not a haymaker. Don't hit people bigger and stronger than you for no good reason. That is really the only lesson to be learned here.
Sanders promised to tackle the issues head on, but I think we know how that will turn out.