
Way to leap over every possible constructive thing to come out of this story.

Boy howdy, this trend is getting irritating pretty quickly.

Yeah, hold up - she posted a private text that was, best I could tell, fairly gentle about the subject?  And he’s getting bashed?  We have zero context around this.

Also, I have a really hard time buying this guy was a luxury real estate agent in his early/mid-20s. Who with a luxury property hires a relative kid to market it?? He might have squeezed out a few internet sales when homes were selling for cash sight-unseen (since his clients probably hired him online as well) but

It’s important to talk to your partner if you notice big physical changes in them, though. It can be awkward but they can be signs of underlying issues.

Yes, she has access to resources that many other expecting parents don’t, but some of those expecting parents are also worried they’re the only ones struggling.

No one should have to reveal personal information about themselves, but there are a lot of people who have platforms who do in the hopes that they can make

I definitely feel the part where she tells people who say “just wait until the baby comes, you won’t get any sleep then!” to shut up. 100% agreed. That is completely unhelpful to say to a pregnant woman in her first trimester who is dealing with a kind of exhaustion she has never felt before. Or insomnia. Or later in

I don’t think nepotism prepares you for pregengancy.

Honestly I want to snark or talk shit about people whose parents have both got wikipedia pages (wiki kids?) but pregnancy is the most extreme thing a body can go through and the difficulty of it should really be appreciated more.

It just dawned on me that Hilaria is her stepmom. Excuse me, madrastra.

It’s mostly just because I find larger family scenarios to be very messy. My whole life it has just lead to so much unecessary chaos and drama. So its just something I try to avoid. That’s why I said its not a deal breaker, but it is something I am averse to. For example if one of the kids is highly

“Why is racism my problem if I’m not a racist?”

If you’ve had friends 30+ years older than you, did you think about dating older women? Cuz I can think of 4 women I know over 50 who are smart, funny, engaged with the world and attractive. Also, many women over 50 have college age (or older) kids who are out of the house. No raising kids necessary. Ask yourself why

I hope you don’t think that’s a great point.

Barring any childhood trauma, women spend their 20s being strung along by men who get with them for their joie de vivre and who ultimately wear them down. Whether that’s through leaving all the childcare to them or by crossing boundaries over and over again or lording over their professional status. More examples are

I appreciate your input because at least it was more than “men just want to have children with young women” and “old women are gross (paraphrasing).”

I turn 47 next month and have two daughters, 17 & 19, in NO WAY could I ever date someone near the same age as my daughters, it’s gross. I actually would prefer a strong woman who has life experience and will help me shoulder the burdens of life, not some kid who spends half their time on their phone looking at Tik

Or maybe, just maybe, it has nothing to do with not wanting women that “don’t put up with shit” and everything to do with the fact that men value physical attractiveness more than women and young women tend to be the most physically attractive in most men’s eyes 🤷🏻‍♂️

The Greys are absolutely filled with shining examples right now.

This makes me so incredibly angry. It’s shit like this that makes me think the internet was a very bad idea. I just can’t imagine taking the time to harass a stranger, for ANY reason, but most especially on a topic that NOBODY, except for a very, very small set of people, know anything about. Allllll these people