
Some real Silent Hill stuff there. Uh yeah no

Worse - black and poor :/

Why? Don't you know? Asians are the "good" minority!? So hardworking! So polite! So quiet! Me on the other hand, breathe on me and I'm pregnant and on welfare!

I personally tried recently and I couldn't be more pleased!. They always have some promo going and since I was new I got my first pair free. Only critique though is the less than generous return policy but I can sorta understand why?

I have an IngenuiTEA from Adagio Teas - I tried brewing coffee with it a few times...the too fine grounds clog the filter :/ Made just for tea leaves...

Every single time I see Quicksilver I can't get over how stupid he looks. Ugh! Have not seen a good angle on this guy yet. And really? A red jacket for Scarlet Witch? They couldn't keep anything?? Not even some red fishnets or tights under the booties??

*ded ded ded*

You win the internet today!

Tell this to my flipping cat who as I tried to sleep last night, trying to find a decent position where I could stretch out my aching arm covered entirely in Tiger Balm from shoulder to wrist...decides to come and lick the cream off said arm like a freak. That thing makes my eyes water so I don't know what the hell.

I'm CRYING! *ded*

I come from a family of huge tea drinkers but it was always tea bags until about a year ago when my friend started inviting me over for tea parties with loose leaf - I called her a hipster but after a few months decided to buy my own. has Google Nexus 7 tablets on sale under Daily Deals. 16GB for $139 and 32GB for $159. You need an account to order but can just create a personal instead a business account.

Beef flavor for the win! Boil then fry that up with a lil butter or oil, throw in a few dried herbs and pepper - you feel both full and just that fancier ~_~

Beef flavor for the win! Boil then fry that up with a lil butter or oil, throw in a few dried herbs and pepper - you feel both full and just that fancier ~_~

Looks like those old diving suit contraceptions. I have one new cat who is frustrating me to no ends with her litter box habits so this seems neat

I hope Google abandoned their "don't be evil" stance...because they are becoming that.

Sadness all around. Lawd.

Easier to use a knife *shrug*

The Hipster Mullet? Better than and judging you in the front, down-home origins in the back...

Wow...that Green Lake is amazing...looking at it I just want to sleep I feel so peaceful....yeah, prob. not the best wallpaper for my workstation..

This movie is my forever Saturday night jam. Never gets old