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Someone on Youtube made a video. I watch when I feel down.

I keep dying =_=

Getting a page error - / was on the end of the link for me to prevent it from opening..

You mean a nice unconventional couple who aren't caught up in the countryside-wide mass murder/torture/ hunt for sport killings? Go on....

R+L = J is my own personal fandom canon *kayne shrug*

What is this? So CUTE!

Yup. My reaction exactly on seeing the ad. The only hatred I feel is unadulterated jealously.

LOVE this show!!


Been there, done that, had a breakdown, don't give a fuck now

What the hell kind of place is that?? Are you invading some bastion of manhood like a hardware store or good ol' boys club or something?

I love it.

This chart was LEGIT what was going through my head when reading this. Oh internet, ruining srs science-y business for me ~_~ Alli is the best.

Dear heavens, I aawweed my way through this ENTIRE post. That's a first!

Thank you.

Unfortunately...I work in customer service...hate HATE getting girls like that. I feel my general IQ drop just listening to them. Oh lord, I feel like an old fogey....are they training them like this?? LIKE

OMG....I am so sorry to hear that and all you've been through but I hope you are in a MUCH better place now...

HA! Me as well! The special offer for the VIP service. I had a account but has been like a year since I logged into it so I had to change the password at 1AM this morning...then this morning I got that email about illegal access - I thought I did something wrong lol~

LOL! Bat-shit crazy Pinkie Pie - my fav! Snagging this!

What you talking about? Obviously Kimmy K and Kris Humphries were worse. I never expected Katy and Russell Brand to last but when I say Kim and Kris I just went "Lol, no"