
I know exactly how Andrew Luck feels. I mean, I don’t have a degree from Stanford or a bunch of athletic ability or millions of dollars or a super-high IQ. But I have been booed by people in Indianapolis. And my boss does a lot of drugs.

this is good but why the fuck are those parents taking kids with sensory issues to games?

Get this feel goody shit out of here man. WE CAME TO HATE.

who is based on guy from New Jersey, written and portrayed by a guy from New York. 

The city’s biggest celebrities are all local news anchors.

They worship gas station food.

Yeah, but if your entire economic orthodoxy rests on the notion that all economies are supply-driven, then acknowledging that recessions are demand-driven looks downright insane.

It ain’t trout, and it don’t come from a lake.

Yeah man, depending on my mood, the port season really is one of my favorites. Ziggy fucking sucks, but everyone else in that season is truly excellent.

Purple camo pants as formalwear

I have been to 3 foreign countries where people asked me if Baltimore was really like the Wire, i.e. their only “experience” with Baltimore was what they saw on the Wire. At first I said “nah it’s not *that* bad” but that answer bores me, so I’m considering alternatives (“yes, but drug crime improved after Omar was

And what the fuck is a Green Turtle?

It’s the Staten Island of Baltimore.

Bubbles has one of my favorite arcs in all of television. God what an actor. When hes in the narcotics anon meeting and he finally opens up about Sherrod, and he finally sheds the moniker Bubbles. “My name is..... My name is Reginald. But ‘round the way they call me Bubbles.” really beautiful scene.

This post could easily be renamed Why Your Suburb Sucks: Dundalk

Reached fewer people than a $5 Facebook ad.

I mean, if you’re gonna unfurl a ‘Trump 2020’ flag somewhere, you might as well do it where the people there are so stupid they went to an Orioles game in August.

FYI, if they have an accent when they come back or ever say ‘I forget the word in English’, you’re legally allowed to bludgeon them with a hammer.

Of course Europe makes you better. Spend five minutes with anyone who studied abroad and they’ll tell you.

What is this? A japanese daily life for ants?