
And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

Ratings equal advertising dollars. Any other questions?

I really don’t understand why the media continues to give useless pieces of shit like Gaetz airtime. (add in dozens, if not hundreds of useless gasbags)

It’s a fundraising scam ... Milking [very dumb] people for money

Well, these are Moonies so that explains a lot.

C’mon, man. Everyone knows you’re supposed to pass the Dutchie medal on the left hand side, not throw it.

He is football’s Bill Kristol.

Shapiro is a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person should sound like.

Something tells me Don Jr. has been around a lot of suspicious white powder over the years.

Lot of good players with Europa league experience, just what they need ZING!

In a three-way standoff Wenger will always find a way to finish fourth.

If Arsenal is stockpiling money for anything, it’s to pay for the LA Rams’ new stadium.

He’s not 6'3", and even 6'2" is dubious - here he is next to the 6'1" Obama:

Or, is it possible that Jesse Lingard is actually a better player than Billy thinks he is?

If you are a Packers fan and under 25, you should know that this is what quarterback play looks like to much of the NFL. It is what you have to look forward to someday.

I’ve always been against giving money to non-prophets.

Hypocriticus 3:18 - Verily, verily I say unto you: Fuck bitches, get money.

Similarly, I got the absolute best grades in my time in college when I was smoking the most weed. No joke, my gpa went up by half a point when I got a steady dealer.